Chapter II


2,1 - Their properties,
2,2 - Vibrations,
2,3 - Energy, 2,4 - Mass,
2,5 - E = Mc2,
2,6 - Actions, Motion,
2,7 - Rays and radiations,
2,8 - Thermic agitation

2,1 - The properties of the electron

In the study of Électronisme, it has never been required smaller elements than electrons, which would, for example, be its components or participate in the creation of matter or any other phenomenon or event.

In classical contemporary physics, nothing suggests that electrons would not be paramount.

    1. Nothing can be created from nothing.

    2. No particles of any size, with or not described mass or energy, depending on the needs of researchers and technicians, cannot be created from nothing, neither in space nor in the material of objects.

    3. In many physicists current texts, the word "electron" is wrongly used to account for activities of particulates and compounds, of all sizes, or with variable power loads.

The properties of electrons are hard to find among the definitions of physics theoretical, quantum or classical, contemporary and of common use. Some are very specific, others difficult to understand.

For this study, we retain the qualities considered and accepted by the vast majority of scientists.

Electrons are all similar and consist of a constantly vibrating unknown material.

Their lifespan is "stable", which means they are indestructible.

Their mass is determined: 9.109 382 6 × 10-31 kg.

This is a quantum, according to the precise definition of the word: «quantity well determined»

In the compounds, matters and objects, the number of quanta of mass are always equal to this of electrons. The differences between the compounds come from the number of electrons and the quality of entanglement and structures created.

2,2 - The vibrations

In this description of their known characteristics, add electrons constantly vibrate, always in the same way. Their movements of vibrations occur at a precise frequency, invariable and the same for everyone in any place and time.

A "vibration" is made up of four different instant operations: expansion, stop, withdrawal, stop.

They occur one after the other because they can be realized only if the previous action took place.

No time (in our ordinary use of the word) exists between the four operations of vibration, but they are realized in a while (human) very small, almost imperceptible, but still existing.

    1. Hendrik Lorentz and Thomson in the late 19th century, had considered the electron as the elementary particle of atoms and Lorentz made a mathematical study of vibration which he attributed to them, and he connected them to electromagnetism, of which Maxwell was establishing the equations.

In recent years, the improvement of observation equipment and the ingenuity of researchers have allowed them to observe and analyse vibrations in certain objects.

    1. Physicists point to the fact that they could be associated with molecular bonds, or connected to energy and thermic agitation.

    2. In late 2009, other scientists were able to "see the tremor frequencies". Their characteristics would be quite acceptable for the electrons and their compounds.

  1. In early 2011, researchers discovered that slightly different vibrations of apparently similar odour molecules change their qualities, and their perception by living beings.

Scientists have also observed the vibrations of all the crystals and very numerous compounds, without explaining their origin or their causes.

Moreover, the term frequency is often mentioned while describing particles and their functioning, without never any indication on the action or quality of this frequency. The physicists know that a phenomenon is renewed without stop, but they do not know what is it.

    1. In quantum mechanics, particles have spin, that is to say they would turn on themselves at a certain speed. "Quantum" physicists doubt its veracity because the rotation would give to the peripheral portion of the particle a greater speed than that of light, considered unsurpassable.

    2. The spin could be an appearance of vibrations.

  1. In a recent text (years 2000) by « laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules, www-phlam.univ-lille1 » (Laboratory Physics Lasers, Atoms and Molecules, of the University of Lille in France) we read:

    1. "Spin is a purely quantum “object" whose physical understanding remains, even at present, to be completed. Despite this, we can consider the reality to be proven and it is surprising that the rules concerning it are relatively simple. In particular, spin can take only specific «intier» or «half-intier» values.

    2. They could be compared to the movement of vibration, which we attribute to electrons, with maximum and minimum volumes. They explain the qualities of the spins, which would merge with the movements of electrons vibrations.

    3. For the constitution of matter, electrons are "materially" related to others, which is incompatible with their possible rotation.

Because of the vibration, the size of the electron radius is not accurate. We retain the average figure, according to physicists, of 10-18 meter, i.e. a billionth of a millionth of a millimetre.

The speed of light observed by scientists, allows us to calculate the frequency of vibration, and we obtain 1015 Hz, a figure consistent with current observations.

At the expansion, the radius length is doubled, thereby increasing the volume of approximately eight times.

These values are to be checked by physicists.

We, living beings on Earth, do not (yet) have the means to observe all actions. We know them only because the observed objects are different, never knowing how many and which actions were taken to change them.

    1. Especially since all actions are performed at random, we explain the importance in chapter I.

2,3 - Energy

Energy does not exist in the Universe

It is a phenomenon that exists only by men and for them.

What we call force or energy is a particularly concept difficult to understand and which we know only the performed action.

From immemorial time, men have linked the motion of objects on Earth and in space to a force or energy that carried out the operation.

We, humans, cannot imagine what we call energy, while we use it for many of our activities and we attribute it some functions in space and its objects.

As if it had always been there and it was completely part of our lives. Thus, no one thought to try to understand what it materially exists.

We studied the laws of its use, while we did not know at all how it works, both for the movement of the stars, and on Earth to spin an electric motor or many other systems. We established mathematical rules useful for technicians.

But no one knows what is it real form and how it works.

Physicists and other scientists have never observed a particular piece of hardware that would act in or on a small or large object, solid or no fixed form, which would make it mobile or would be able to run an action by forwarding it a force that might be needed.

Because the material reality of the energy does not exist.

Electrons operating rules contain nothing for actions other than bonds of electrons between them.

The conditions for creating these connections are explained in the following chapter.

This apparent force "available" everywhere, in all subjects, is electricity.

It is only apparent and does not correspond no items or special quality electrons, except that in their contacts they can bond and form other real objects that shape their future.

This availability is tempered by chance. The connections electrons are realized in specific conditions of contacts, as explained in the following chapter.

These conditions of presence and electrons operation, confirm that the electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields do not exist, neither in the materials of objects in space, or space itself.

The space contains no free energy "natural" or black. For it to exist, it would need a support that would be a particle or similar object, which has never been observed.

    1. Electricity on Earth is partially explained in chapter V. No one yet knows exactly what it is and how it acts.

  1. Electrons and all their compounds have no "mathematical" direction of operation.

This is understandable for a free body in space without dimension, since no baseline, and so for us without guidance.

    1. In the 19th century, physicists have given direction to certain elements, particularly those which seemed to contribute to electrical phenomena. They were called electrons, and accepted as the primordial elements still unclear.

    2. Early in the next century, the sens of the particles has been mathematically confirmed, and used more, without special consequence to practical physics.

    3. But, theoretically and practically, physicists continued to manipulate the free electrons or participants to objects, regardless of what they push back without ever bind if they all had the same "mathematical" sense.

    4. The direction attributed to electrons was needed to mathematical studies, especially those of Quantum Mechanics and for the apparent repulsion of the electrons and nuclei in atoms.

    5. It has no other purpose and does not explain anything, neither for free electrons nor in atoms as they are currently analyzed.

    6. It has no influence on a mathematical sense, which should affect the electron compounds with all the same negative sense.

    7. In early 2011, scientists suggested that the explanation of these facts had not yet been found.

In this study, as in all Électronisme physics, we do not consider the direction of electron charge and of all objects that are made of electrons.

It is never necessary or even simply useful in reasoning and explanations.

2,4 - Mass

Mass is the constituent substance of the electron.

As this item is indestructible, its substance is indestructible too. It constantly exists.

It is in-traversable and unbreakable.

The quality of withdrawal and expansion movements shows that the matter of this "thing" is very special and inconceivable to the human mind in the present state of our knowledge.

Together, the electrons form the entire mass of the Universe objects.

2,5 - E = Mc2

Einstein’s formula E = mc2 is subjective and spectacular, but has no value, either practical or theoretical.

In the early 20th century, it was in the time! Many physicists were searching for a formula to connect mass and energy. It's Einstein's formula which was accepted by scientists and media! In his time, this formula could have some psychological and political importance, at least in the scientific community.

    1. For the general public, it had also a poetic valour. Comparing a blip to a ray of sunshine…

Einstein’s equation implies that mass and energy can be substituted for one another, in situations that are not specified. It is used to estimate the amount of energy that appears when a little quantity of mass seems to have disappeared.

The coefficient "c2" is relatively very large—it is the square of the speed of light—to show that a little mass corresponds to a lot of energy. It is a human judgement that means nothing, neither in the field of science.

Reading the documentation, we have found no example of real change mass into a specific quantity of energy or vice versa.

Some explanations point to specific units of energy, the Hiroshima bomb for example or a ton of TNT, to measure the result of explosions. These units however are not particularly accurate!

2,6 - Actions - Motions

The free electrons of the Ether of space move randomly in the environment they create, encouraged by their vibrations and meeting other objects.

It then occurs one of the two following phenomena, a change in their movement or binding with another.

These are the only two possible actions by electrons across space and the materials of the objects.

In this section we study the motion.

The creation of the compounds will be the matter of the next chapter.

The free electrons of the Ether have no reason to move.

They are close to each other, and their own vibrations incite them to move a little, or give them an impulse for movement in a certain direction, that nothing can change, or stop, except the meeting of another object.

The prompted displacement is rectilinear and unlimited, without need for special forces that would be called momentum or inertia.

When electrons move, they can meet other free or constituents of matters and objects. The displacements of the two elements which meet are then modified, based on their participation in compounds.

We will see in the next chapter that the connections, that sometimes occur at these meetings, are always accompanied by an increase in thermic agitation. This phenomenon stems from the normal rules of operation of the electrons. The created compound, larger than electrons met, create more opportunities for meetings.

We saw in chapter I that the Universe operating system is random. It has no general operating rules alongside those of electrons. All connections are made at random, as much the meetings themselves than the environment in which they are realized.

These movements of particles and free compounds, by their own vibrations, and their sending back after meetings, at the same time realize a new distribution of elements that create clutter.

Under certain conditions, the new created compounds are distributed with all objects of the disorder.

It is a constant balancing. The elements are distributed in varying dimensions areas without clear boundaries, constantly moving.

Thus, in the free areas between the atoms and molecules organized in materials, components free are distributed and eventually do evolve these materials.

2,7 - Rays and radiations

Radiation and rays are terms that refer to all objects, material or not, that irradiate from a centre to a wide range of distances, depending on the quality of the "radiated" elements and the clutter present in the environments traversed by them.

Getting away from the centre, the volume of radiated elements does not change, and the crossing area expands, the meetings of other bodies are progressively fewer.

In the physics of the Universe, all rays, in space and in objects are movements, of different bodies, dragged, during their contacts with each other, by the expansion movements of the electrons which compose them. They cause more or less electron bonds with increased thermic agitation, which is nothing but the general movement of these elements.

Thermic agitation is only the movement of these elements.

This explains why the most simple bodies, free electrons and primary compounds are the fastest. This is the case for X and gamma rays and other radiations.

    1. These rays are stopped and "absorbed" differently from one another by materials encountered. The absorption means they bind to other, creating new compounds with new increased thermic agitation.

Plasmas are created by an increase in meetings and electron bonds in compounds. These compounds grow depending electrons that bind which leads to other contacts and an increase in thermic agitation.

This phenomenon is inevitable.

There are in all matters and objects, mostly in the stars.

It is activated at the beginning of the formation of these objects in the nebulae and other structures in space. This explains their development, in billions years until their destruction forming other objects. We studied in chapter 1.

During the withdrawal movement of vibrations, close elements occupy the place left vacant by electrons or compounds that retract. They seem to be attracted, which is not correct: there is only the expansion of neighbouring electrons.

In all the events that take place in the matter that we know and its objects, expansion and withdrawal movements that are side by side and simultaneous can be interpreted in two different ways, either as an expansion repulsion or as a withdrawal attraction.

This led to was called magnetism and magnetic fields objects and phenomena difficult to understand that we are trying to explain in the next chapter.

2,8 - Thermic agitation

Vibrations and thermic agitation are phenomena which are very different from each other.

The vibrations of electrons are permanent and unchanging movements of their constituting matter.

Those of the compounds are the resulting vibrations of their constituents, depending on the quality of the connections. Atoms, molecules, crystals and other bodies of our constituted matter, vibrate in these conditions.

They begin to be observed and studied.

Thermic agitation, in a specific area, designates the average state of the-radiation movement of elements which cause contacts, sometimes followed by links with new radiation.

The quality of movements depends on the overall vibrations of the compounds.

In the various matters and in space, the transfers of "heat", whether natural or forced, are produced by radiation, which create in turn electron entanglements directly (that is conduction), or with the participation of intermediate elements (convection).

Thermic agitation is measured by temperature, the unit of which is the kelvin. With the same scale, we use on Earth Celsius degrees. Other measurements scales exist.

In space at zero kelvin, the vibrations of electrons take place normally. The temperature of zero kelvin could be that of space without any activity except that of electrons vibrations.

The temperature is currently about 2.85 kelvins, in the free space between galaxies. It shows the average level, in this space, of thermic agitation imparted by the electron bonds and the creation of objects inside galaxies and in their environment.

The recorded radiometrics of identified different temperature in some areas of space could correspond to disturbances creating waves of space, probably during electron intricacies of WHIM. See chapter I.

There is no reason why these temperature should be due to a "fossil background radiation" that could have remained attached to elements of its time, or that these waves of space with a "radiometric" frequency report a space temperature at a specific moment in the evolution of the Universe. It was and is still, it seems, the concept of their discoverers, though they have received the Nobel Prize.

We cannot imagine the visible, physical consequences of temperatures of one or some billions degrees or kelvins in the stars or other objects in space. These values are an assessment of thermal agitation unrelated to heat, explained below.

Heat is the human perception of thermic agitation.

Henri Poincaré stated this idea.

For all living beings, il is the result, perceptible or not, of actions due to thermic agitation, in their bodies. Burning, for them, is a modification of certain constituents of the cells by unusual electron bindings. New compounds are created, sometimes unwanted and often irreversible, for example in the case of burned cells or tissue—a phenomenon that can have serious consequences on the life of cells, tissues and living beings themselves.

This is particularly the case for contacts of living beings with radioactive particles from nuclear reactors and in radiotherapy.

© - 23,4,2016

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Résumé, en français  
Summary in English

1 L’Univers - in English
2 Les électrons  - in English
3 Les composés  - in English
4 Les ondes  - in English
5 Sur Terre  - in English  
6 La vie   in English
7 Autres théories- in English

Énergie … Electricity


Signes Fantômes-Phantom Signs
Les limites de la physique
Le temps ?  -  pdf in english
Planck & FDC  in English
Presque boson de Higgs
Collisionneur ILC
ILC in English
Et après ?

Philippe Dardel 

Accueil / Home

Résumé, en français  
Summary in English

1 L’Univers - in English
2 Les électrons  - in English
3 Les composés  - in English
4 Les ondes  - in English
5 Sur Terre  - in English  
6 La vie   in English
7 Autres théories- in English

Énergie … Electricity


Signes Fantômes-Phantom Signs
Les limites de la physique
Le temps ?  -  pdf in english
Planck & FDC  in English
Presque boson de Higgs
Collisionneur ILC
ILC in English
Et après ?

Philippe Dardel 

Accueil / Home

Résumé, en français  
Summary in English

1 L’Univers - in English
2 Les électrons  - in English
3 Les composés  - in English
4 Les ondes  - in English
5 Sur Terre  - in English  
6 La vie   in English
7 Autres théories- in English

Énergie … Electricity


Signes Fantômes-Phantom Signs
Les limites de la physique
Le temps ?  -  pdf in english
Planck & FDC  in English
Presque boson de Higgs
Collisionneur ILC
ILC in English
Et après ?

Philippe Dardel 

Électronisme - Essay